Just Do It - Start Now, Perfect Later

If there’s one lesson we’ve learned over the last four years, it’s this: just do it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, and don’t wait until you think you’re “ready.” Start now—even if it’s messy, imperfect, or you feel a little (okay, maybe a lot) unprepared.

Take this blog as an example. Starting this blog is something I've been putting off for over a year, always held back by fear of judgement… as well as knowing I never did well in English class hahaha.

But the truth is, it’s something I've wanted to do for a long time. As small business owners, we often feel the pressure to present ourselves perfectly on social media or in short videos, which doesn’t always leave room for the real, raw journey we’re going through. This blog is my space to share more deeply—whether that’s documenting the lessons we've learned, offering tips and how-tos, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of our Fale Keke, or simply updating you on where we are in this journey. I'm excited to open up, let go of the fears, and take that first step—because sometimes, the most important thing is just to do it, even when it feels scary.

If you can relate, then I hope this piece encourages you to take that leap as well.

The truth is, there’s never a perfect moment. If you keep waiting for it, you’ll miss out on opportunities. You’ve got to jump in, learn as you go, and figure it out along the way. The more you wait, the more time you lose—and before you know it, you’ll be wishing you’d started sooner.

Start Imperfectly, Start Now

We all have to start somewhere, and there’s no shame in that. Whether you’re opening your own business l, starting a podcast or learning a new skill, being a beginner is totally okay. The important thing is trying, giving it your best shot, and going for it. With time, practice, and dedication, you’ll improve. Remember: No one starts out perfect.

When we started Fale De Keke, none of us had any qualifications or formal training in baking. We didn’t have fancy degrees or years of professional experience. What we did have was passion and the willingness to learn. We started with pre-made cake mixes, YouTube tutorials, and google to figure things out. We kept practicing and experimenting, and slowly, we improved.


You’d be amazed at how far you can go when you simply start. There are so many resources available—online tutorials, books, or just trying things and seeing what works. It’s all about time, patience, and practice. The more you do, the better you get.

Keep Pushing Forward, Even When You’re Not Perfect

Even though we’re celebrating four years in business, I’ll be honest—we’re still not perfect. We’re not cake masters (yet), and there’s always something new to learn or a new challenge to take on. The fear of failure or disappointing ourselves still sometimes holds us back. But I remind myself: No one starts perfect. If we waited until we felt “ready,” we’d never move forward.

That’s why I’m sharing this with you: stop standing in your own way. You don’t need to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Start moving, and you’ll figure it out as you go. Each step gets you closer to your goal—even if you can’t see the path clearly right now, trust that you’ll get there eventually.


Be an Urgent Person (But Don’t Rush)

Ok, in full transparency - this is the advice that I still need to do for myself so how dare I speak on it... but Fam, its an important one. Being urgent doesn’t mean rushing or cutting corners. It means making decisions quickly and testing things out, rather than getting stuck in endless brainstorming or overthinking. Urgency is about action. It’s about moving forward—even if it’s just one small step.

If you find yourself saying, “I’m still learning,” ask yourself: Is that procrastination in disguise? Because if you’re learning but not doing, you’re not moving forward.

Action = results. Period.

Just Take That First Step

Here’s our challenge to you: whatever you’ve been putting off, just start. Whether it’s launching your business, learning a new skill, or something small like signing up for that workout class, don’t wait for perfection—just do it. The more you take action, the better you’ll get. And trust me, you’ll be glad you did.


  • Doris Ford

    Good read! 🤎

  • Alannah Meredith Vatau

    ‘Stop standing in your own way’ guilty haha love it fam! Love seeing your growth! 🙌🙌🙌

  • Rina

    Inspiring 👏🏾

  • Faith Peteru

    Awesome read! 🫶🏽

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